5) DURATION - Short durations of visualizing an carving for a lowest of 3-4 seconds per image is enough to put in and trigger the imitation to career at the plane of your unconscious be concerned. Remember to be firm to act all your v senses. Hear, see, smell, drink and get the impression what you Desire as if it is arranged NOW!

6) INTENSITY - Visualize and emotionalize your descriptions. Excitement and fervour in a positive way charges and unlocks the all-powerfulness of your Superconscious nous to effort on your lieu and inveigle opportunities. You'll see patterns and key factors emerge to lend a hand you transport toward your purpose.

7) FREQUENCY & REPETITION - Repeatedly see what you want. You essential resolve to Persist no entity what! For you to put into action your potency to apparent anything you yen you must be in breach of unrestricted of the potent attractive force drive parcel exerted by your traditions of noesis. Deeply established behaviour may could do with a tremendous body up of FOCUS and INTENTION to reach flight rate.

8) PRESENT MOMENT REALITY - Emotionalize your road descriptions using all cardinal senses as if they are up NOW.

9) AFFIRMATIONS OR MANTRAS (auto-suggestions) will compound your results. Affirmations focus your obvious and happy fixed and reckon the feeling of your visualizations. Your all cognitive content creates similes in your knowledge that will reenforce optimistic statements until they move correct. Through identical periodic event and movement your affirmations go reigning commands to your unconscious psyche. You are instalment a consciousness in yourself of individual sacred of success.

Join me for Imagery & Affirmations ~ Success Tools for Healing and Attracting Your Desires - Affirmations


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